title | The title of the story. This is the main title or headline. | title | | |
subtitle | A short, sentence-like description of the returned story. | subtitle | | |
teaser | A short description of the requested story. | teaser | | |
shortTitle | An abbreviated title for the returned story, not to exceed 30 characters. | socialTitle | There is no real “shortened” title field, however, socialTitle in CDS serves the same data purpose. | |
miniTeaser | An abbreviated abstract for the returned story, describing what the story is about. | shortTeaser | | |
shortTeaser | An abbreviated abstract for the returned story, describing what the story is about. | shortTeaser | | |
socialTitle | Synonymous usage with miniTeaser | shortTeaser | | |
contributorText | Meant to be the contributors text to a story for the social-media shareable version of a story | shortTeaser | | |
thumbnail (Also all sub-fields), thumbnail-large, thumbnail-medium, thumbnail-provider | Referencing a thumbnail image useful for list displays. | See /v1/profiles/image asset | There is no specific field for a thumbnail, however, there are image assets with a rel type of thumbnail | |
slug | The main association for the returned story, whether it is to a topic, series, column or some other list in the system. | A collection profile link with a rel type of slug | | |
id | Unique identifier for the document | id | This hasn’t changed in terms of IDs for documents published that are accessed via the Story API. CDS does support and contains IDs that have docIdPrefix values in front of them in the pattern of e.g. prefix-<guid> . You’ll encounter these in CDS and not likely Story API. | |
PartnerId | Deprecated | | | |
link type=api | Deprecated | | There is no longer an explicit “follow” link for using the CDS API like there is in Story API. For CDS, you can use our query guide for more help on querying in CDS. | |
link type=html | Link to the canonical page for the document | webpages link object that has a rel of canonical | | |
storyDate | The primary date-time associated with the publication of the returned content | publishedDate | | |
pubDate | Either: The primary date-time associated with the publication of the returned content OR the last date a significant update was made to the document | editorialLastModifiedDate | | |
publishedDate | (Synonymous with pubDate) | editorialLastModifiedDate | | |
lastModifiedDate | The date/time the returned story was last modified in any capacity to NPR.org (Deprecated) | | | |
audioRunByDate | When the content’s audio is allowed to be played | recommendUntilDateTime | | |
keywords | A comma-delimited list of key terms describing the returned story. Deprecated. | | | |
priorityKeywords | A comma-delimited list of key terms that are very closely tied to the returned story | | | |
organization | “The owner organization of the returned story. orgId : The unique ID of the organization for the returned story. orgAbbr : The organization’s abbreviation. organization does contain sub-elements called ““name”” and ““website””.” | | The first thing to note is that this relates to one of the major differences between the Story API and CDS. That difference is that CDS will NOT use station ids (Commonly referred to as “org ids”) but rather Service IDs. The switch to Service IDs is based on Member Station input; it allows station hubs like the Texas Regional News Hub to brand content published under that consortium. It also allows for branding of partners outside of the NPR network to have representation in our API. This helps our downstream clients who package and serve our content to tie our users back to a truer representation of the publisher and owners of documents. In the STory API we had an organization field that had the name and website of a terrestrial station. In CDS, several fields represent the newer, Service ID oriented data that could be considered the equivalent of the Story API organization data. The brandings field is an array of objects each with a “href” field that maps to an Organization V4 link to the service that acts as the branded or logo-bearing service for the story. An owners array is another object array. Each owner object has an href as well that points to Organization V4 data. In the case of owners these are all the services that are publishers of the content. In many cases brandings and owners are the same in terms of their array contents. There is the possibility however they can be different; a story can be owned by more than one service but branded for only one service or vice versa. | |
parent | Contains information for all of the lists to which the story belongs. | | In CDS, all topics, tags, slugs or any type of collection of content is under a “collections” array. Each item is an internal link rel type that is pointing at the document representing the collection (But NOT the list of stories for that collection - that has to be retrieved via a query - see https://npr.github.io/content-distribution-service/endpoints/document/queryDocuments.html). The equivalent of a “parent” item is an item from this array. The rel type of each internal link will show the client what the intended purpose of that collection is (e.g. “slug”, “primary” for primary topic, etc). See https://npr.github.io/content-distribution-service/links/link-objects-in-cds.html for more information on links in CDS. | |
byline | Authors byline information. | Assets of type /v1/profiles/reference-byline see this documentation on byline for more as well as documentation on the linked document type biography | | |
text | The full text of the story, without the HTML, broken up by paragraph | The text asset handles the contents of story text see /v1/profiles/text | Note that unlike in Story API, text assets in CDS will include ALL data including HTML markup | |
textWithHtml | The full text of the story, with HTML, broken up by paragraph. | The text asset handles the contents of story text see /v1/profiles/text | See the note in the previous field description for text | |
layout | Organized XML list of assets as they appear on a rendered page | layout | In CDS, these are going to be link objects with an href attribute pointing to the asset in the assets array | |
relatedLink | All links to stories that are related to the requested story. The related links can be to other NPR pages or to pages on other sites. Links to related stories, both on NPR.org and elsewhere. | internal-link or the relatedItems array, depending on use case. | internal-link documentation as well as documentation for the publishable | |
htmlAsset | HTML encoded asset | html-block | | |
multimedia | Single element that can represent a wide range of video, streaming audio and more in a document | See stream-player-video and player-video profiles | The profiles linked here are representative of the CDS notion of multimedia at the current moment | |
show | The program on which the story was broadcast or published, the date of that broadcast or publication, and when this story occurred within that broadcast or publication. | See program-episode | The program-episode document will have an items array listing all documents in the episode in editorial order. That order is what represents the segNum value for individual documents. Inside the program-episode document is a showDate. Each episode document will have a collections array and inside that collection of rel type “program” to map up to the programId. | |
correction | Information about the correction to the story | correction | | |
product | Deprecated | | | |
promoArt | Deprecated | | | |
staticGraphic | Deprecated | | | |
performance | Deprecated | | | |
fullStory | Deprecated | | | |
fullText | Deprecated | text assets contain all HTML and text data | Note: The text in CDS is an asset and included in each text field are all HTML tags. There is no stripping or sanitization when publishing something. | |
listText | Contains lists of information relevant to the story. Deprecated | | | |
message | Deprecated | | | |
bookEdition | Deprecated | | | |
book | Deprecated | | | |
trait | Deprecated | | | |
author | Deprecated | | | |
htmlAsset | Deprecated | | | |
externalAsset | Deprecated | | | |
calendarEvent | Deprecated | | | |
audio | All audio assets for the requested story. All available audio associated with the returned story. This will include all formats to which NPR has the rights to distribute. id : The unique ID for the audio asset. primary : Defines whether or not the audio asset is the primary audio for the story. audio does contain sub-elements called “duration”, “description” and “format”. format also contains sub-elements. | See the audio profile as well as the has-audio profile | All fields are now located inside the audio profile, but note subtle differences like format now being a part of the enclosure fields. | |
pullQuote | Compelling quotes or comments pulled from the requested story. Quotes from the returned story that have been identified as particularly compelling by NPR editorial staff. No parameters at this level. pullQuote does contain sub-elements called “person” and “date”. | pullQuote | | |
album | The song and/or album information associated with the requested story. | See the albumTitle field in the audio profile | We have moved a lot of this music information into the audio profile | |
artist | The musical artists associated with the requested story. | See above for album | See above for album | |
transcript | Link to the transcript for the story. | See the transcript profile documentation but also the linked guide on transcripts | | |
story | The parent node for each story returned by the query. id : The unique ID for the story returned. This parameter is always returned whenever a story is returned. | See the document profile | There is no top-level element in CDS similar to story; rather the whole document represents a story/podcast episode/collection or other type as indicated by the documents profiles array. | |
image | An element reperesenting fields for an image resource inside a story | See the image profile documentation for all relevant fields and types as well as the has-images documentation | | |