Profile: has-corrections

Profile Schema

The has-corrections profile designates a document that contains one or more corrections (see Profiles / correction for reference). While any document can contain correction assets without the has-corrections profile, clients looking for corrections within a document will likely target the corrections array provided by this profile, so it is highly recommended that a document with corrections lists a has-corrections profile.


has-corrections specifies one required attribute: corrections. corrections is an array of links to corrections used by this document. corrections must contain one or more links; all links must be asset links beginning with #/ (see Links in CDS / Link Objects / Fragments for reference).

Example has-corrections document

  "id": "12345",
  "profiles": [
      "href": "/v1/profiles/has-corrections"
      "href": "/v1/profiles/document"

  "assets": {
    "12345": {
      "id": "12345",
      "profiles": [
          "href": "/v1/profiles/correction"

      "text": "An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that the estimated weight of the great Atlantic sargassum belt is 10 billion tons. In fact, it is 10 million tons.",
      "dateTime": "2023-0315T00:00:00Z"

    "corrections": [
        "href": "#/assets/12345"

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