Profile: podcast-episode

Profile Schema

The podcast-episode profile designates a document that is considered a single episode of a podcast channel. A podcast episode is typically associated with its channel via collection links.

The podcast-episode profile is intended to be used as a “type” profile.


The podcast-episode profile specifies the following attributes:

Name Type Required? Explanation
explicit boolean Yes A boolean flag indicating if this episode contains explicit content
episodeType string Yes full, trailer, or bonus; see “Episode Type” below
itunes object Yes iTunes specific information; see the “iTunes” section below for more information
copyright string No The copyright policy applied to this episode
episodeGuid string No A GUID identifying this episode
episodePermalink Link No A permalink identifying this episode
episodeNumber integer No This episode’s number within the season (if a season is given)
feedEpisodeTitle string No Episode title as it appears in podcast feeds
seasonNumber integer No The season this episode occurs in
editorialMajorUpdateDateTime date-time string No The editorially-determined last date and time at which the content received major editorial updates. Please use the RFC3339 format set in UTC time (ex: 2021-11-04T08:49:00Z) (ex: 2021-11-04T08:49:00Z). See our tutorial on UTC time for more help.

Episode Type

The episodeType attribute must have one of the following values:

  • full - This is a regular, full episode of content
  • trailer - This is a trailer or promotional episode
  • bonus - This is an extra bonus episode inserted outside of the regular episode “flow”


The itunes object contains a set of optional iTunes-specific information:

  • block - Boolean flag to indicate if this episode should be blocked from iTunes (assumed false if not present)

Example podcast-episode document

  "id": "12345",
  "profiles": [
      "href": "/v1/profiles/podcast-episode",
      "rels": [
      "href": "/v1/profiles/document"

  "assets": {
    "5678": {
      "id": "5678",
      "profiles": [
          "href": "/v1/profiles/audio",
          "rels": [
          "href": "/v1/profiles/document"

      "title": "Hero or Menace? We sit down with J. Jonah Jameson and find out.",
      "enclosures": [
          "href": "",
          "rels": [
          "type": "audio/mpeg"

  "copyright": "Copyright 2021 NPR",
  "episodeGuid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "episodePermalink": {
    "href": "/2021/01/012345/episode-1"
  "episodeNumber": 1,
  "seasonNumber": 1,
  "explicit": false,
  "episodeType": "full",
  "itunes": {
    "block": false
  "feedEpisodeTitle": "Hero or Menace?",

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