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The search interface shows up throughout Grove. The magnifying glass icon signals that some sort of search is going to take place:

Let's start with the site-wide search. At the top of the dashboard, you will see this:

Put your cursor next to the magnifying glass icon, where the word Search is. The main Grove search will reveal itself!

(The plus sign on the right of the search field is for creating content. It is not related to search.)

Search is powerful. There are a gazillion features and fields. Most users will only use a handful. The best way to learn to use search is to practice.

By default, the search will be unfiltered. It will sort everything in Grove by update date. Change this with the dropdown if you want to sort by publish date instead.

The unfiltered search will offer two view options, List and Mixed:

List is will only show the names of files and other content. Mixed will also show photo thumbnails.

Grove stories and aggregations (sections, series, tags, etc.) have IDs, just like Seamus stories! The ID appears on the right rail:

You can use this ID in search! Just paste it in.

On a Mac, at least, clicking and dragging will not select the entire ID. Click on it three times very fast.

For a keyword search, type into the field at the top of the screen, next to the magnifying glass icon, where it says Search. Keyword searches will order the results by relevance.

Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) don't do anything in Grove search.

There are filters on the side:

Content Type is the … wait for it … type of content, such as story or image or tag. Restrict the search to your desired content type, like News Story:

This is what a keyword search of news stories for Commander Biden would look like:

When you switch to News Story, more filters will appear in the left column. A LOT more. Useful searches include Authors, Show, Primary Section, Tag and Series.

This is what an author search filter would look like:

Sorting results

To sort your search in a different order, such as publish date, adjust the Sort dropdown. There are a lot of options — you probably only need update date, relevance and publish date.

Opening content

To go to an item (news story, image, etc.), click its Label (name) or the icon under Edit Popup:

The latter lets you return to your search when you're done with whatever you opened. If you open it by clicking the label (name), your search will be reset.

Most Grove searches look alike. Image search is different. When you choose the Image content type, your search will change look and function:

Grid displays images as thumbnails:

List displays labels (filenames).

The slider changes the size of the thumbnails.

Select/hide fields

To the left of the Sort dropdown there's Select/Hide Fields. This lets you choose attributes to display in search. There are A LOT and you can ignore almost all of them. To display, say, authors in your search results, click the link and start typing "authors" in Hidden Fields:

Toggle the switch to blue and click the Update button. Now authors will show in your search!

Saving searches

If you've configured a search you'll use often, save it to use again and again!

Set up your search, then go to the three-dot icon. It's in the upper-right corner of the search window:

Click it and choose Save Search. Name it and click the Save button.

Your search will now appear at the bottom of the lefthand sidebar, under Saved Searches:

If you don't see it, click the caret next to the words Saved Searches to expand the list. You can see your Recent Searches there, too.

Search tips

Due to a bug, if you're searching from the dashboard, the first set of results will be garbage. Click into the search FIRST, let it populate, then paste in your term.

Use the NPR ID whenever you can. This is the fastest and most reliable way to search.

You can search by URL if you put the URL in quotes. This only works for Grove links. Stories migrated from Seamus are searchable with the Seamus ID, but not the URL.

The Revisions page has advice for finding revisions.

Set your Content Types filter and Publish Date filters to narrow things down.

Note: For revisions to show up in search, you need that Content Types filter set to News Story.

In keyword searches, a single word is going to be less reliable than a few words or a full headline.

You don't need quotes, because Grove will look for an exact phrase first. If you like quotes, though, experiment! Sometimes they return something slightly different. Note: When you use quotes, you won't get the highlighting of terms in the search results.

When sorted on relevance — the default for a keyword search — the results will start with stories where the keywords are found in a headline, including stories in which only ONE keyword is in a headline. This can be inconvenient and annoying. For the best relevance results, use the Publish Date filter.