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Known Issues/Workarounds


There are a lot of issues around scheduling that the Grove team is trying to figure out. In the meantime, here are the DOs.

  • Continue using the scheduling function to set stories for future publication.

  • Ensure you are scheduling from the Revision.

  • Always select the desired schedule Date before the Time.

  • In cases where a story is already scheduled and requires additional editing before publication, it is OK to make your changes in the scheduled revision and click the 'Schedule' button to save the updates. However, you should doublecheck that the scheduled date/time is still correct before clicking 'Schedule' again just in case.

  • After scheduling, check the status to make sure the "Scheduled" label is there with the correct date and time.

Disappearing story

Is Generate Permalink? under URLs is checked? If not, check it, then republish.

Is a blank revision published?

Check Generate Permalink? under URLs and republish.

Alas, this is not something users can change themselves. File a ticket/call IT and post in #grove-community.

Wrong timestamp


A published story (DSP) linked to an audio page (DLP) will show the publish date of the audio page, which may be several days in the past. Fix this by adding a Major Update. (NOT change the Publish Date — that advice is expired.)


If the date is wrong on the DLP, ask IT to make a permanent date change. This is rare.

Squished text

When consecutive words link to different places, the spaces will be deleted between the words. There is no fix or workaround, except to not do that.

Disappearing text

If there is a hyperlink that the beginning of a paragraph, the rest of the paragraph will disappear — sometimes.

Sometimes body text disappears when it's too close to a photo or module above it. Put another line between them by hitting Enter.

Underlined text

When pasting from Google Docs, links may be underlined. Workaround: Highlight everything in the Google Doc and click the underline button a couple times to ensure everything is un-underlined.

Apple News

Wrong crop

Apple News has its own set of crops. If you have an issue with a photo, go adjust them specifically. Here's more.

No thumbnail

You must have a Primary Image set. A Promo Image alone (as set in the Promos tab) won't work for Apple.


Advanced Apple News troubleshooting can be found here.

Missing image on agg/HP

Did you set your Primary Visual, or did you just put a photo at the top of your body text? Add a primary visual. Or, if you know how, you can assign a Promo Image and not have a primary visual.

Duplicate bylines

This is the workaround while bylines are de-duplicated:

If the NPR Id starts with nx-s1-, it was added by Nexus for newsmag stories and it's either 1) a new byline or 2) a byline that is a duplicate, but where Nexus didn't have a valid mapping between Nexus and Grove.


If the Main Owner is not NPR, the person came in via a station's site. We use these for references if the person is a station reporter, but sometimes NPR people show up when the station had their own version of a story. USERS SHOULD PREFER THE NPR ONE.

If the multiples are all NPR, # of References can give a sign that the higher # of references is the one to use.

For instance, for this person, you'd choose the NPR byline with many references:


Image credit/source won't delete

Right now, you can't blank out a field that's being populated by an image file's metadata. The best you can do is add an empty character. Here's how. You'll still get a rogue slash, though.

Promo images missing

Toggle the Refresh All Promo Images? switch on the PROMO tab to populate/repopulate them:

My story won't publish

Here some possible culprits. Once you fix, republish.

Make sure Generate Permalink? under URLs is checked, especially if you're getting an error when you preview.


This will only be an issue on migrated stories: Franchise categories may have migrated as the wrong type of agg. If your story won't publish, check the AGGS tab and make sure the categories are under Franchise & Categories > Categories, and not in secondary sections or series.

Promo images

Look at the PROMO tab. You should see an image at the top — probably it's the same as your primary visual. You may need to re-upload your Primary Visual or re-upload the promo. Both should work. You can also try toggling Refresh All Promo Images?

Sharing a preview

This is the classic feature, not bug, because it's not going away.

You can use the Preview Generator bookmarklet to generate a stripped-down preview that's easy to paste into an email. Drag it from the Resources box to your bookmarks:

When you are on previewing the page you want to generate a stripped-down preview of, click the bookmark.

PDFs or PNGs also work, but will be difficult to view on small devices. A delightful and easy method of creating a PDF or PNG — one that looks exactly like the page you're viewing — is the Chrome extension Go Full Page.