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What does [term] mean?
Hark, a glossary!

I want to report a bug/request a feature.
Submit a ticket.

How is Grove different from Seamus?
Look! Here's how.

Grove is in dark/light mode and I hate it. Can I fix this?
Yes, if you go to the far, far upper-right corner, you'll see a paintbrush. It opens a panel that lets you change the mode under Apperance. Header Background will change the color of the top bar. Make sure to click Update User when you're done.

Can I make my something in search default to whatever?
No, those defaults are baked into Grove. But you can save a search and use that.

Does Grove know what time zone I'm in?
No, but you can tell it — set your time zone in your profile, and times displayed will adjust accordingly. (If D.C. Holly publishes a story at 6 p.m. ET, L.A. Rebecca sees it as published at 3 p.m. PT.)

Can I get the Nexus ID from a Grove story?

Yes. It's in the NPR tab:

Can I get a link to a story before it publishes?
Yes. It's followed by the ID. For example, is the same as

It's for security reasons. BUT: Any user from a member station that uses Grove WILL be able to see a preview as long as they are logged in. Here are some options.

Should I write in Grove or keep writing in Google Docs?
Do whatever you're comfortable with. Grove does not have collaborative editing, though. More than one person can be in a story, but they can't both be working in the body text.

Wait, so can multiple people be in a story at once, or not?
Yes, but they can't be in the same FIELD. Shirley can be in the headline and Cheryl can be in the teaser, but Cheryl can't be in the headline, too. We don't recommend actively working on the story at the same time because it's VERY confusing, but it's not risky for someone to come in and look around.

What do the blue and yellow vertical bars next to fields mean?
Blue means "you're in this field." Yellow means, "contents of the field haven't been saved yet."

What does "Restored Work In Progress from [date]" mean?
It means you have unsaved changes. You may have previously left the story without saving, for instance. To get rid of them, click Clear Changes. To save them, click the disk icon.

Can I redirect a URL if I screw up a permalink?
Yes. Go here to see how.

Is a user the same as a byline/author/bio page/etc.?
No. As in Seamus, anyone who can log into Seamus is a user, but only people with bio pages can be assigned as bylines.

Can I edit my own bio page or add/edit a bio on another person's page?
No, that's still the domain of Comms.

How do I add a station byline or station logo?
The station logo is the Branding field on the Main tab. Station bylines should show up in the same place as NPR bylines.

Do I need a custom URL/permalink?
It helps with SEO. You can publish without it, though.

What is the best way to send someone to a story, like the equivalent of sharing a Seamus ID?
You can send the NPR ID, which can be used in search.

If I put someone in the Contributors field, will the story appear on their bio page?
No, it's not that smart.

Will the Contributors field go to stations?
Yes it will.

What's the box that pops up when I format a subhead?
It's for anchor links, which it is highly unlikely you will use.

Did I see track changes?
Yes, and there is a nice video about it!

Does Grove have spellcheck?
Grove does not, just as Seamus did not. But if you have spellcheck enabled in your browser, you will see the squiggly lines under misspelled words.

Can I use anchor links?
With great difficulty.

Can I import assets?
Responsive embeds, yes. You can easily add an image that is already in Grove in the ways we've seen. Everything else, no.

Can I make new sections, series or tags?
No regular user can make a new section. Anyone can make a tag. Series depends on permissions.

How do I find the ID of an aggregation page?
Use this nifty thing.

Can we see who has done what to a story?
Sometimes. Let's get through launch and then we'll talk about it.

Can I create a template with all the things I always add — byline, section — pre-filled?
An individual person cannot yet have this.

Can we integrate this AI thing/a dictionary/something/whatever into Grove?
You can certainly make a feature request!