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Release Notes

Read on for the contents and highlights of each release!

August 26, 2024

Revisions changes

Searching for a News Story by NPR ID now returns revisions without being put in quotes.

When searching for News Stories (by setting the Content Type filter to News Story), the Revision status filter is set by default to ensure that results include the revision:

In the sidebar on stories, under Revisions, the top item will always be the Nexus-linked revision. Revisions created by Artemis Service User, Nexus Service User and other automated processes will fall below it.

Byline warning

If a story doesn't have a byline, Grove will scream at you:

Bug Fixes

  • Move DSP to top of revision list after artemis update
  • Stories added as ordered items to an agg should have the agg’s collection association
  • News Story searches by NPR ID should return Revisions
  • Rich text formatting added to pull quotes are not showing up in preview or the website
  • Parent and Grandparent sections not automatically saving in revision
  • Segmented Radio Episode url pattern is not using permalink text when it should
  • Promo Card brandings for external links are automatically adding NPR branding
  • Slow query for dynamic lists without filters in CMS

Features and Enhancements

  • News Story search should have the Revision status checked by default
  • Show a warning when users forget to add Byline before publishing a Digital Story
  • Translator: Add Closed Captioning to NPR Video provider
  • Modify what appears on NPR News Story Styles tab
  • Add favicons to Grove CMS PROD instance for the browser tab
  • Change Create button to Send on breaking news alerts
  • Add Size field to Videos added as Primary Visual
  • Add Slack delivery option for notifications
  • Add an exclusion rule for auto-assigning "News" secondary section on DLPs published from Nexus
  • Translate 'Do Not Syndicate' flag on Responsive Embeds to CDS
  • Add 'Do Not Syndicate' toggle to Video assets
  • On Breaking News Tool, increase to 10-second timeout on final "Send/Submit?” button action
  • Remove NexusId duplication check

August 13, 2024

This release was a Brightspot platform upgrade for Grove. These happen a few times a year.

  • Bug fix: Inline linked text can now be styled with bold or italics

  • Bug fix: No more text squishing of links and regular text

  • Bug fixes: Works in Progress (or “WIPs”) will be created for new stories that haven't been manually saved

July 22, 2024

Revisions changes

Upon the first Save and each Publish of a story, users will be automatically directed to the Nexus-linked Revision where further edits can be made.

This is intended to help users ensure their changes to a story are made in the system-generated Revision that is accessible to other editors and sends updates to Nexus, whether the edits are made pre- or post-publish.

The change in behavior comes with an updated message at the top of the story editor in Grove:

  • On first Save of a new story, the yellow ‘Saved’ confirmation message at the top will also read: "You have been redirected to the Digital Story Presentation revision."
  • On Publish of a story, the ‘Published’ confirmation message at the top will also read: "You have been redirected to the Digital Story Presentation revision."

Note: Previously, the ‘Published’ message appeared as a green banner at the top of the story editor. It will now appear in yellow and still serves as confirmation of the Publish event:

Promo image toggle

There is a new toggle to regenerate a story’s image promo assets.

Some users have reported inconsistency in the generation of image promo assets and difficulty in ensuring that the four default promo image crops are in place before publishing. With the addition of this "Refresh All Promo Images" toggle, we hope to alleviate some of these issues.

Switching the toggle to on will generate or refresh a story’s image promo assets right away, without the need to save or reload the story. If all (or a subset) of the image promo assets are cleared out or if the main Promo Image changes, the toggle can be used again to regenerate promo assets.

Bug Fixes

  • Switch users to the correct "continue editing Digital Story Presentation" revision after first save and publish (see the highlight above)
  • Embedded Youtube videos will no longer display the headline in the caption
  • Archiving an NPR story in Grove will now also remove the story from Apple News

Features and Enhancements

  • When all (or even specific crop) promo image assets have been removed, the Promo Image Override will now auto-generate new crops on save/publish
  • Twitter embeds that were previously defaulting to a right alignment, will now default to a center alignment
  • Add Button to automatically generate/refresh the Image Promo Assets (see the highlight above)
  • A new "Apple News Custom" image crop has been added that will allow users to create a custom crop to use for Apple News

July 1, 2024

Byline searches

First, when searching for a Byline results will be pre-filtered to NPR person records by default. If you need to widen the search to include Station persons from across the Network, you can do so by removing NPR from the Main Owner filter in the left-hand column of the search window.

Second, Main Owner and # of References have been added as default columns in Byline search results. This is intended to help users scan results more easily and choose the correct byline in cases where a person has multiple valid records in the CMS from credits at different Stations, as well as cases where invalid duplicate records exist but have not yet been reconciled.

Permalinks/Publish Dates

News Story permalinks and Publish Date reflect a story’s creation date instead of the actual date of first publication. Now, News Stories created in Grove days in advance will have the correct date of initial publication in both the page URL and displayed as the Publish Date on the page itself.

Do Not Syndicate

A ‘Do Not Syndicate’ setting is available on News Stories, which will prevent a story from being distributed to Grove Stations and signal to other Member Stations not using Grove that an NPR story is not intended for republication.

You’ll find the setting near the bottom of the Main tab of a News Story:

Bug Fixes

  • Story permalink reflects creation date instead of published date
  • Exclude the selected Primary Section from also being used as a Secondary Section on a given story
  • Automatic Image Crop dropdown option should be set to Custom instead of Standard

Features and Enhancements

  • Add Main Owner, NPR ID and # References to Person Search Results default columns
  • Add Main Owner filter to Person records search, automatically set to Main Owner value from Sites & Settings
  • Display image caption in Body, using enhancement caption instead of image asset caption
  • Segmented Radio Episode's Segment list should display NPR id of the segment before the headline
  • Add 'Do Not Syndicate' toggle to News Stories

June 17, 2024

Correction titles

Grove users now have the ability to alter the display title for Corrections on a News Story.

Previously, when a correction was added to a story, the box that appeared on the published story page had a fixed label that always displayed "Corrections." In the CMS, corrections have a 'Title' field that is editable, but it did not render on the published page to override the default label.

With this change, the text entered in the corrections 'Title' field will render on the story page. If the title is left blank, the label on the story page will still default to "Corrections." This gives users basic control over the context for story corrections and clarifications while ensuring there is always a title in place in cases where a custom label is not needed.

Promo Link eyebrows

Grove now supports custom eyebrow text/URLs for internal and external type Promo Links.

Promo Links in Grove of the "external" link type allow users to enter eyebrow text and the URL to which the reader will be directed upon clicking the eyebrow.

For internal Promo Links, the eyebrow defaults to the Primary Section of the story that is being promoted.

The eyebrow text can be overridden for internal-type Promos, but the URL cannot be altered. With this enhancement, users have control over the eyebrow text and URL so they can (if desired) override the section page link that is the default destination when a promo eyebrow is clicked. The functionality of the "Eyebrow Text" and "Eyebrow URL" fields is now the same for both internal and external-type Promo Links.

Bug Fixes

  • NPR Branding isn't being automatically set on Promos in News Stories
  • Refactor audio translation so audio assets are served to the website correctly and can be rendered on Homepage and Music Section promo cards
  • Rich Text Modules created as a shared module can't be aligned to the right
  • Grove-created content is missing for Member Stations who use Organization-based searches to find NPR content

Features and Enhancements

  • Display user-entered Corrections title on front-end for NPR
  • Update input note for link text field for image enhancements in the body
  • Video Promo Cards need to translate the thumbnail image for Video Note: This functional enhancement related to supporting thumbnails in promos that feature video assets was removed from the release. Rescheduled for inclusion in the 07/01 Grove release
  • Support custom eyebrow text/URLs for internal and external type Promo Links
  • Detect and block publishing when an incorrect path or other “bad” data is put into Canonical URL field