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Revisions are tricky. To avoid revisions spaghetti, EVERYONE involved needs to work in the Nexus-linked revision. Working in a story at the same time is strongly discouraged. COMMUNICATE with each other about who's doing what and where and why.

Why, why?

Nexus uses the revision to talk to Grove. The draft is useless. Even if you are doing a digital-only story, though, you want to be in the revision. Why?

Because revisions also have the disk icon and the workflow button. If you stay in the published version, you cannot save, leave, come back, share with someone else, etc.

A good way to think of this is …

Stories have three states:

  1. Draft: This is a Grove thing. It's there and it's useless. Ignore it, do not edit it, do nothing with it UNLESS you're in a migrated Seamus story, in which case it's probably fine.

  2. Revision: An unpublished story or unpublished VERSION of a story. This is what you should edit. There is no tiny edit vs. major edit. If you're touching copy, be in the revision.

  3. Published: A published story. Whenever you publish, Grove makes another revision.

Starting one

If you start a story in Nexus, the revision is automatically created in Grove, and clicking the Grove link on the card takes you straight there. This is a great way to find the Nexus-linked revision. And that's technically correct. But if other people have worked in drafts or published versions, you may not see the most recent version.

If you start a story in Grove, you will automatically be put into the revision when you save for the first time.

After you publish, Grove creates another revision. This revision maintains the link to Nexus. It also brings back the disk icon and workflow icon. You will automatically be put into this revision.

This is how it SHOULD NOT LOOK:

You want to see THE BELOW instead. It means you're in the right place:

Finding one

It's easy to find a revision BUT you have to set Content Type to News Story first:

This will show revisions. You will know them by the Revision tag:

You can search by NPR ID, or any other way, and get revisions — as long as that content filter is set!

On the Recent Activity dashboard widget, if you want to see only revisions and published stories, set up your filters like this:

For the setting that says Published + 1, choose Revisions and Published from the dropdown:

This will show every story you have created or edited, and filter out Drafts. Remember, you should never be in a draft! Only a revision.

If you need to see/find a Draft, just expand the menu and click Draft to add them.

If you only want to see non-published stories, uncheck Published from the menu.

You may not see a corresponding revision. That's because it's not Recent Activity until you do something in the revision. Shrug.

I don't see it!!!

After 24 hours, Grove unhelpfully stops showing the Recent Revision link at the top of stories.

So if you don't see a yellow box at the top of your story alerting you to the presence of a revision, look under Revisions in the right sidebar:

Ideally, you will see the Nexus-linked revision at the top.

I forgot to switch!

If you haven't published this story EVER and the story has or will have audio, the revision should have everything the draft has. Switch to it immediately and carry on there.

If you HAVE published a draft, and the story has or will have audio, you have broken the link with Nexus. You will need to manually reconcile the draft and revision to maintain the proper link with Nexus.