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News Stories

The news story is the basic unit of Grove content. You can create one in Grove, or you can create one from Nexus.

A step-by-step guide is here.

Main tab


The eye opens and closes the preview pane. Just remember to "poke it in the eye":

The disk saves the story.

Here is A LOT more about saving.


For now, to refresh the preview you'll need to use the Reload button.

This icon, in the upper right of the preview, opens it in another tab or window:

If you make changes to the story, this preview will update when you refresh it. The preview link will NOT work for someone who is not logged into Grove. This was done intentionally for security reasons.

There are some workarounds here.


The disk icon is how you save:

If you start a news story in Grove, you'll need to add something to the headline field (it doesn't have to be the real headline, but don't make it profane), then click the disk. This puts the story into autosave mode. DO THIS AS SOON AS YOU START A STORY.

If you started the story in Nexus then clicked over to Grove, you're already in autosave mode.

Before you leave a story, click the disk. This is important!

If you don't click the disk, you'll probably get some kind of browser pop-up, like:

Heed its warning! Go back and click the disk.

If you leave without clicking the disk, your changes MIGHT be there when you return. OR MIGHT NOT. It's complicated.


When you start a story, Grove will bestow upon you an NPR ID, a unique identifier with which you can search for and direct people to your story. It is at the top of the sidebar, on the right:


Stick to 85, as in Seamus, even though it will let you go longer.

SEO Title

This is the headline for search. It stands for "Search Engine Optimization." 50-60 characters, don't go over 65. This was called "Window Title/SEO Headline" in Seamus.

Permalink Text is where you put your custom URL. By default, it will be the words of your headline separated by hyphens.


Put your teaser in the Teaser field. Stick to 200, as in Seamus.

Note: If you have nothing in the Body field, the teaser text will show on the story by default. It will disappear if you add something in Body. This is because of something DACS-y.


Under Bylines, click the plus-sign-in-circle icon. If you know who you want, just start typing into the byline field:

You can also click on the magnifying glass icon, which will open a byline search window. This is the fastest method to add multiple authors:

To remove a byline, click the red minus icon. To reorder the bylines, use the icon on the far right:

For station reporters, remove the NPR filter from the sidebar of the search window:

You may have to click More Filters to see it.

Adding a byline

If you need to add a byline — for a staffer or freelancer — do these things:

  1. Click on the magnifying glass icon next to the Byline field.
  2. In the window that pops up, click the New Person button in the lower left. Enter the person's name under Name. Don't do anything else.
  3. Click the Publish button.
  4. Click the < Back link.
  5. Click the name — it will be at the top of the search box.

Primary Visual

See Images or Click-by-click guide.


This is where you paste, write, edit, whatever your text. You can paste in from anything — Google Docs, Word (ew), other web pages, whatever.

It has many icons:

Let's look at said icons.

Above are your garden-variety word-processing icons. Bold stuff, change the text alignment, make things into lists, indent/unindent. You should recognize these.

From left:

  1. The chain link icon adds a link.
  2. The quote icon adds a, yes, quote.
  3. Format is how you add a subhead: Select text, choose H3 - Small Subhead. H2 — Large Subhead is a larger subhead you might want if you're making hierarchal lists or something.
  4. Attachment can be ignored.
  5. The music note is used to add secondary audio.

From left:

  1. A very important icon. The mountains add images, embeds, etc.
  2. Horizontal Rule adds a line, aka a rule, that is sideways.
  3. This adds a table. Ignore it.
  4. You can add characters with accents, and other glyphs, from the little keyboard.

The above are the Track Changes controls. They work like a kind of watered-down Google Docs and you can experiment with them yourself.

The above icon opens the distraction-free editor, which is full-screen. If you're using Track Changes, it looks a lot better in this mode.

To make a Seamus-style internal link, use Promo Link under the embed menu (mountain-range icon). This will bring up a search that works like all other searches in Grove. You can use the NPR ID to search, or a URL — but it has to be IN QUOTES!

The promo defaults to the classic right-margin link we know and love from Seamus.

For the right-margin audio link, use LEGACY headline with audio:

There are some other options now:

Choose Standard, then Small, for this:

Choose Standard, then Medium, for a link that looks like a spice-rack entry:

Choose Standard, then Large, for a homepage treatment.

Choose Standard, then X-Large, for an even bigger homepage treatment.

To change the text in a promo, look under the link once you add it:

Change the Title to what you desire.

To add a promo for a podcast episode page, file a ticket for the IT Service desk to migrate the episode from Seamus to Grove.


This is where you change the branding on a story from NPR to a member station.


Here's where you note people who worked on your story, as in Holly J. Morris contributed reporting. Jerome Socolovsky edited the text, and Nina Fill edited the photos. You can put links (like to author pages) and formatting in this field:

Display Transcript?

This puts the transcript under the story, which is not a common use case.


If you need to add a correction later, choose Add under Corrections & Major Updates. Fill out the Note field:

While it appears that you can add multiple corrections, don't. Add more by typing them into the current correction. Follow the Corrections Guide.

If you leave the Title field blank, the item will be labeled Correction. Whatever you type in the Title field will override that. So to add a clarification, type "Clarification" there.

Major Updates

Under Corrections & Major Updates click Add and chose Update(s):

Leave the update fields empty (or add text — it won't show on the site):

Republish. For each subsequent update, do the same.


This is a mode of scheduling which, given how buggy scheduling is, should just be avoided.


Expand this to add one — you'll know if you should.

Legacy Text-only Bylines

Ignore this. It's where text-only bylines from Seamus stories will show up — do not use it to add bylines to Grove stories!


Ignore this.

Station Site Version

Ignore this.

Aggs tab

Go here for detailed instructions!

Primary Section

This is the same as the Topic in Seamus. It appears above the headline throughout the site. You can only have one. Grove will automatically assign parent sections. So if you add National as the primary, Grove will add News as a secondary.

Secondary Sections

Your story will also appear on the Section pages for whatever you put here. These will not appear on the story itself, however.

Apple News

To send a story to Apple News, add the section NPR Stories for Apple News as a Secondary Section. Do not send stories with Responsive Embeds to Apple News.


This is the same as a series in Seamus. It puts some branding at the top and groups it with other stories in the series.


These are tags. They go at the bottom. They link to a page with other stories with the same tag. See here for more.


If you need to use this, you'll know.

Helper Collections

This is an internal aggregation used for analytics. Your desk or show should have one. See here for more

Music Genres

You will need a music user role for this. If you don't see anything in this menu, please let #grove-community know or contact IT!


You will need a music user role for this. If you don't see anything in this menu, please let #grove-community know or contact IT!

Audio tab

This will usually be added automatically, via Nexus. You can still add audio manually if it published on a DLP — kind of like importing audio from a DACS page in Seamus. Click the magnifying glass and find the audio. Having the audio title will help:

Lots more knowledge is here.

SEO tab

There's nothing for you here.

Styles tab

This is for assigning templates, like Music or Multimedia. If you need this, you'll know!