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Live Blog

Except for a different interface and workflow, live blogs work like Regular Grove. Adding an image in Regular Grove is the same as adding one in a live blog. Adding a hyperlink, same. And so forth.

Parent blog

Not everyone creates these. If you are one of the lucky few, this is how to create one.


Aka the headline.

Short Description

This does not appear anywhere.


The What You Need To Know box appears on the blog as a gray box on the blog:

Set it to One-Off:


This is the same as Primary Visual in a news story. It appears above WYNTK:

If you don't know how to add an image, read this.


Blogs usually do not need anything here!


Leave it as NPR unless you've been told otherwise.

Live Event

Leave this alone. Same for Live Event Summary.


This is where you type the custom permalink you want.

The rest

Sections, Tags, Owners: Ignore.

Blog posts

To get to the blog-writing interface, click the Create and Edit Posts button in the sidebar:


Now you will be here. Look at the green ovoid:

Make sure the dropdown in the green ovoid says Any Status:

If the preview is annoying you close it by clicking the eye icon.


To save your post for the first time, you'll need to have something in Title AND Body, which is different from Regular Grove.


Sometime we use an eyebrow. Sometimes not. It shows up here:


Aka the headline.


Yep. Same as in Regular Grove.

Post Type

This is an optional blue label. It shows up to the left of Eyebrow:


Add your byline here.

Byline Override

If you have an author who is not in Grove, type the name here. It will wipe out all the authors entered above, though.

Update Date Override



Unlike Regular Grove, the live blogs have a defined editing workflow operated by the button in the upper right. These change the statuses that appear on the left of the LB dashboard.

When you start writing (or anytime before you're ready to send to an editor), click the Workflow button, then the Draft button:

When you’re done writing, the Workflow button will reveal the Ready for Edit button. Click it.

Are you editing? Click the Editing workflow button.

And so on through the statuses.

Done? Click Ready for Publish. You will see a lone Editing button:

At this point, you can go back to editing, or you can publish/schedule.

Click the Publish Override link to publish or schedule. You’ll get a green Publish button and a Schedule icon. Proceed as you would in Regular Grove.