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Grove + Nexus

Grove and Nexus have become one, the unholy Grexus.

Initial setup

In Nexus, under your name in the upper-right corner, choose User Settings:

Scroll to Card Creation Actions. Under Automatically Create Presentations on New Cards, add Digital Story if you do digital stories. If you also do Broadcast Stories, leave that checked. These are the presentations that will be created by default when you make a new card.

If you don't want the DSP auto-created, that's fine: Use the Create button on the card to add a presentation when you want one.

Under Automatically Add New Cards to Cardboard, choose your board and the block/section — usually an inbox of some sort. If you're confused, ask someone on your desk who deals with Nexus regularly!

Digital Story Presentation

You can start a story in Grove or Nexus.

Start in Grove

Click News Story in the Quick Start bar on the dashboard.

Type something, anything in the Headline field. It doesn't have to be what you'll use. I suggest typing a few random words or characters.

Save the story (click the disk icon). Go to the Basics page for more about saving.

Immediately switch to the revision with a title that starts continue editing Digital Story Presentation:

Uh oh, did you not switch to the revision? That's OK, but do it as soon as you can and make sure that's the one you publish.

In the revision, you can click the word Nexus to go to the card. Fill in your sources!

If you need to add audio, starting this story in Nexus would have been easier. See below for how to fill out the card and add the audio.

Start in Nexus

Create a card. Depending on your Nexus settings, your card will have a Digital Story Presentation and/or a Broadcast Story presentation.

We're looking at the Digital Story Presentation.

NPR ID: This will the same as the linked story in Grove. Use it to find stories, talk about stories, etc. It is the equivalent of the Seamus ID.

Headline: The title of the card will be the headline until you change it in Nexus or in Grove.

Teaser: This is your teaser. You can change it here or in Grove.

Section: Set this in Nexus or Grove.

Branding: Set this in Nexus or Grove. NOTE: If you're setting a brand other than NPR, remove the NPR brand. Stories can only show one brand at a time.

Published Date: When the Grove story publishes, this date will magically appear.

Users: Add your reporter and editor for the Digital Story Presentation. NOTE: These are NOT BYLINES. You must add bylines in Grove.

Dates: Add a Planned Date. NOTE: This is for planning purposes only. The story won't publish on that date.

Sources: Put your sources here.

Flags: Don't worry about flags.

Once you're done with all this, click View in Grove, which is directly under the Create Presentation button:

This takes you STRAIGHT to the proper page in Grove. Stay there. Don't move! You'll see this at the top:

Digital Listening Presentation

This is for those working on digital stories that are part of a broadcast show, whether the digital story is going to be published before, during or after the broadcast.


Up until the changeover to Grove, DACS or DACS-only pages for broadcast stories were created either in Seamus or via a Seamus-Nexus integration, where information entered into Nexus was pulled into Seamus, edited there and published online on a newsmagazine program rundown. Seamus had a Program Dashboard and Episode tools where the stories were edited, ordered/re-ordered and published/republished.

Now, Nexus contains the tools and most of the information for publishing newsmagazine shows to digital platforms.

Each story in the broadcast now includes a Digital Listening Presentation on its card. The DLP contains the information that’s critical for listening experiences on, the NPR app and other places where audiences engage with NPR audio. The DLP publishes the story via its integration with Grove. Put another way, the DLP is the primary way a broadcast story is made available to digital audiences.


The DLP is created automatically, along with the Broadcast Story presentation, when a card is added to a broadcast board:

You can also add a DLP manually to a card at any time by clicking + Create Presentation on the card and selecting Digital Listening Presentation.

Near the top of the DLP, you’ll see the NPR Id — that’s the ID for the Grove story — as well as a Publish button and a View in Grove link:

The Publish button will not be enabled until the DLP is set to a Ready state (more on that below); ONLY a rundown editor should push this button.


Audio Title: This is a required field for all broadcast stories. Edit it (it defaults to the Broadcast Slug) so that it’s a clear, accurate headline for your story. Imagine someone listening to your story on their phone or radio and seeing the Audio Title — what do you want them to see?

Headline: This is a read-only field that reflects the Audio Title or, if there’s a built-out story, the headline on the story.

Audio: As your story is being broadcast on the air, Digital Content Ops listens and cuts the audio to put here. This is the audio that our digital audiences get.

Teaser: May default to the DACS line from the Broadcast Story presentation OR may default to the teaser from the Digital Story Presentation if there’s a built-out story.

Section: Set the Primary Section (known as Primary Topic in Seamus). This field is required in order to publish.

Branding: NPR is the default. Add different branding if this story is from a member station or other publishing partner, and delete NPR (if you don’t, the partner branding won’t appear).

Published Date: This says N/A if the DLP has not been published. If it has been published, you’ll see the initial/original publish date and time.

People: Lists the Users added on the Broadcast Story presentation. Click the star to choose which names you want to appear as bylines online (filled-in/dark star) and which you do not (outline-only/white star). To reorder them, click on the name you want to move, grab the handle (six dots) on the left, and drag and drop.

Status Flags

Not Ready: The presentation is not ready to be published for digital audiences. The Publish button will remain disabled, and the presentation will NOT publish even if the full show episode is published.

Ready - Audio Pending: The presentation is ready to publish but doesn’t yet have audio. The Publish button is now enabled. Any stories in this state WILL publish when the full show episode is published. When the audio is attached or updated, the presentation will publish or republish.

Ready to Publish: Audio is present and the presentation is published; this state will automatically be set when the audio is added.

Linking cards

This is how to "embed" two cards together in instances where there are two separate cards (broadcast and digital) for the same story with different publish dates.

  1. On either card, go to Metadata pane of the card.

  2. Go to Associated Cards.

  3. Click Add Associated Card.

  4. Enter the Card ID of the card you want to associate that card with.

  5. Click Save.


Your broadcast story does not have a built-out digital story and will be posted online as a “DACS-only” page

Make sure the DLP has an Audio Title and otherwise reflects the information you want to appear online. Audio Title defaults to the Broadcast Slug.

Your broadcast story has a Digital Story Presentation on the same card

You want the digital story to publish when the show airs: In this case, you have to schedule your story to publish at show time — it won’t automatically publish when the show episode publishes. The DLP will not publish if the DSP is already published. The DLP’s Audio Title defaults to the DSP headline.

The digital story was previously published, ahead of the show airing: The DLP will not publish. The DLP’s Audio Title defaults to the DSP headline.

The digital story isn’t ready to publish yet, but the radio story is airing: The DLP will publish when it has the required fields/assets and the show episode is published IF it’s set in the Ready state; otherwise, nothing will publish. When you publish the digital story, it will take the place of the DACS-only page online if one was published. A digital story cannot be published from Nexus.

Your DLP was published as a DACS-only page, and you want to backbuild it into a full digital story

You can now create a DSP on the same card, click View in Grove, and build and publish your digital story. Alternatively, you can go to Grove, open the DACS-only page, and build and publish your digital story; the DSP will be automatically created on the card.

The built-out digital story that’s related to your broadcast story has a totally separate Nexus card

If you want broadcast audio to appear as Primary Audio on your digital story, you should add the audio in Grove. Open the story in Grove and click on the Audio tab.

Under Primary Audio, click the magnifying glass and search for the audio. Click on the title to add it to the story.