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Grove and Seamus differ in a key way when it comes to aggregations.

In Seamus, when you add a story to an aggregation, it gets the topic, series or tag added to it. In Grove, it does not. You can add a story to an agg, then use the pencil icon to quickly open the story, add the agg and save, but it's not graceful.

Go here for detailed instructions on adding aggs to stories.


Sections are the same as Topics in Seamus. Adding one is a big deal, so it won't be something editors or reporters can do.

Here are the existing topics (now sections), if you need:

In editing a Section landing page, you can change the top layout to none, one and three featured stories:

This translates to this:

You can prioritize stories by changing the Ordered Content block under Content > Replace:

Expand by clicking the 1 on the far left, then scroll to Items. Add (or subtract!) stories:

You can change the order by dragging them around.

You can add more than the top layout contains — the prioritized stories will continue down the page.

If you don't add stories, they page will be in backwards chronological order.


Certain user types can create a Series.

A Series page is the same thing and the same name in Seamus. And it works the same as the Grove Section page.

When you create a Series, you'll probably want to add a header image.

The image goes in Primary Visual.

If you want the optional text, it has to be added as a multi-use module with a rich-text module inside it. Did your brain just shatter? Ask for help in #grove-community.


Anyone can create tags. They are tags. There are thousands, so don't create new ones — or duplicates — unless you really need to.

Add one to the story in the same fashion as a Section or Series.

(There is, alas, no Suggest Tags feature.)

You can easily add multiple tags. This example uses Tags, but the steps are the same for Secondary Sections and Series:

  1. Click the magnifying glass.
  2. Find and click each tag you want. You'll see them stacking up on the left.
  3. Close the window using the X in the upper-right corner of the search window.

To add a Tag, fill in just the Display Name. Permalink will fill in on its own:

If you aren't sure which tag is used, or used most often, use the tag with the highest # Of References. To show the # Of References column, click on Select/Hide Fields, toggle the # Of References to blue, and click the Update button.

Helper Collections

But why? Read this for an explanation of what they are and aren't.

Add one in the same way you add any other agg.

Here are all of them:

All Things Considered Digital
Business Desk
Climate Desk
Culture Desk
Disinformation Team
Education Desk
International Desk
Investigations Desk
Morning Edition digital
National Desk
Newscast Digital
Newsdesk Reporting Team
NPR Music Digital
Religion Team
Science Desk
Visuals Department
Washington Desk
Weekend Edition Digital


A Franchise is, for the most part, what was called a blog in Seamus. To use one, click the plus sign next to the search field on the dashboard:

Scroll down down down until you see Templates in the menu:

Choose your template and you'll see all your branding and stuff.

If you do not see your template, ping #grove-community for help.

If you started a regular News Story and need to switch it to a Franchise:

Go to the Styles tab and set NPR Story Layout Styles to Blog News Story:

Go to the Aggs tab and set the franchise to your franchise. This is also where you add Categories, if your blog used them:


You can add aggregations you use frequently to the Quick Start menu on the dashboard.

Click the gear icon, then look under "Edit Existing" Content > Dashboard. Add your agg and click the Save button:

Aggregation ID

If you need the ID of an aggregation, you won't find it in the URL. In the Resources box, you'll see Grove/Nexus ID Bookmarklet:

Drag it into your bookmarks bar (or wherever your bookmarks are). When you're on an agg page, click or select it and you'll get something like this: