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Non-urgent questions: #grove-community


Grove Production will show up on your Okta dashboard:

If you see anything other than the Grove dashboard after clicking it, contact IT at 202-513-2980 or


Your Quick Start widget will probably look something like this — buttons will vary:

There is no one correct way to set up Recent Activity.

One useful configuration is Me and Published + Revisions:

The filter bar would look like this:

For the setting that says Published + 1, choose Revisions and Published from the dropdown:

This will show every story you have created or edited, and filter out Drafts. Remember, you should never be in a draft! Only a revision.

If you only want to see non-published stories, uncheck Published from the menu.

You can change Me to a specific not-you person, too. If you choose Anyone, you will see content by every single person in Grove.


The magnifying glass is how you find stories, aggregations, authors and everything else:

The pencil is how you edit content added to something else (like an image to a story):

The minus is how you delete content added to something else (sometimes you'll see a red X instead, btw):

The three dots icon (sometimes referred to as the "kebab") opens a grab bag of additional options:


The eye will open and close the preview pane across all of Grove:


In most cases, the disk icon is how you save:

When you start a new story in Grove, you'll need to add something to the headline field, then click the disk. This puts the story into autosave mode.

If you started the story in Nexus and clicked over to Grove, you'll already be in autosave mode.

Before you leave a story, click the disk. This is important:

If you don't click the disk, you'll probably get some kind of browser pop-up, like:

Heed its warning! Go back and click the disk.

If you keep going without clicking the disk, your changes MIGHT be there when you return. OR MIGHT NOT. It's complicated. So …


You can leave/close a story in a variety of ways, but two sure bets are clicking the hamburger icon, then Dashboard, or clicking the NPR logo (to the right of the hamburger icon:

Save first! Don't take a risk blah blah blah.


A Work in Progress, or WIP, is an autosave of your story. Don't use it as an excuse to take a risk and not click the disk … but if you DO forget to click the disk, there may be a WIP you can access.

To find your WIPs, click on your profile picture or initials:

You should see several options:

Hopefully, one of them is what you're looking for!


Watch out!

A digital story CANNOT BE PUBLISHED FROM NEXUS — even via a rundown. That means you need to SCHEDULE IT YOURSELF if you want it to publish with the rundown.

Click the Workflow button, then the Ready to Publish or Schedule button, then the green Publish button:

Help! I've lost track. How do I know if my story was published?

Look in the Revisions part of the right rail:

You'll see a green dot on the version that published.


Instead of clicking Publish, click the calendar icon. Don't forget to click the yellow Schedule button after you've chosen the date and time.

If you make changes after scheduling, click SCHEDULE again when you're done making the changes.


If you need to edit the Permalink, type what you want to change it to in the Permalink field and when you republish, the redirect will be in effect. You'll see this in the sidebar:

The change may take a bit to take effect because caching on the Grove end. Clear your browser cache if you want to see it sooner.


Click the three dots to the right of the Schedule button and choose Unschedule.


See Unpublish, below.


If you do have to take this extraordinarly rare action, go to the three-dots icon and choose Archive. You can still work on it after it's archived — you can republish it as-is, or work on it in draft:

You can only archive a published story.


After you archive something, or before you publish it, the three-dot menu will offer Delete — maybe. Depends on your permissions.



More than one person can be in a Grove story/episode at once — but they can't be in the same field.

Example: Christine can work on the headline and Rakiesha can work on the body text, but they cannot BOTH work on the headline. FWIW, this is called field-level locking.

How do you know if someone(s) is in your story with you? Their avatar or initials will appear to the left of the eye:

If there is a yellow border on the circle, the user is active in the story. When there's no yellow border, the user is just hanging out and not clicking on stuff.

When another user edits, you will not see changes in real-time, and the experience is not that friendly. If there's no reason for multiple people to make changes at the same time, just don't do it.

Seamus vs Grove

See the Glossary for more Seamus-Grove translations.

Sending a story for edit in Seamus generates an email. Grove does not automatically send an edit note.

In Seamus, promo images had to be manually cropped. Grove crops images itself and can adjusted with the focus point and/or manually. You should always check these!

The image at the top of the story in Seamus was simply the image at the top of the story. In Grove, that image is the Primary Visual and it's "stuck" at the top.

Seamus stories locked themselves when in use. In Grove, only one field in a story locks at a time. But it's really confusing, so we strongly recommend keeping it to one person in a story at a time.

You could block for publish in Seamus. Grove has no such concept.

In Seamus, search is seperate from the story pages; you can't search while you're writing a story. In Grove, you can search any time, even when you're in a story. Open the search at the top, then close it with the X in the upper-right when you're done.