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Aggregations. In Seamus, Digital Associations. These appear in a News Story's Aggs tab.


Organization in Seamus.


Organizing principle of Nexus. Appears on Cardboards.


A widget on stories that sends messages.

Digital Listening Presentation

See DLP.

Digital Story Presentation

See DSP.


Digital Listening Presentation. Replaces DACS-only pages.


Digital Story Presentation. Replaces the Seamus presentation in Nexus.

An inline link to something outside See Promo Link.

Field-level Locking

Part of collaboration. If Patrick's in the Headline, Cheryl can't work in that field until he leaves.

Focus Point

You can set this in a photo to tell Grove what the center of automatic crops should be.


Blog in Seamus.


The unholy union of Grove and Nexus.

An inline link to something inside See Promo Link.


Seamus ID.

Person page

A bio page.

Primary Audio

Header Audio in Seamus.

Primary Section

The section (topic in Seamus) that appears above the headline. See Secondary Section.

Primary Visual

The image stuck to the top of a story. It's the source of the promo images.

Promo Images

Images that appear on homepages and aggregation pages, in the browser and on the app. By default, they are the Wide (browser) and Square (app) crops of the Primary Visual. They can be overriden in the Promos tab of a News Story.

The the bold link that appears on the margin of a story. It can be internal or external.

Publish Override

This appears when you click the Workflow button. It lets you publish OR schedule without going through any Workflow steps.


Where something is linked from. An image reference might be stories where that image appears.

Responsive Embed

Sort of the equivalent of the HTML Embed in Seamus. Close enough.


A version of a story. Another way to explain it: A layer of changes on top of a published story. It's the only way to make and save changes without immediately republishing.



Secondary Section

The section (topic) landing pages the story will appear on. Choose the parent(s) here (News, Culture, Music).


Topic in Seamus.

SEO Title

Window Title/SEO Headline in Seamus.


People who have edited a story or who have added themselves as Watchers. Watched stories appear in under Me in the Recent Activity widget.


These are steps a story can take through the publishing process, such as Ready to Publish and such. You get to them from the Workflow button.