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should call the refresh token endpoint in the auth proxy


should retry the call to the refresh token endpoint in the auth proxy if it receives a bad response the first time


should retry the call to the refresh token endpoint in the auth proxy up to 3 times, but then error out


should throw a TypeError


should throw a TypeError


should call the logout endpoint in the auth proxy


should throw an error if the response is not 'ok'


should throw a TypeError


should throw a TypeError


should throw an error if not configured properly


should make a request to authProxyUrl when called


should make a request to authProxyUrl with additional scopes when scopes are passed in


should throw an error if not configured properly


should throw an error if no active device code exists


should return a Promise that rejects if the active device code is expired


should return a Promise that resolves to a valid access token if device code is valid


should return a Promise that rejects if the active device code is invalid (or possibly expired)


should return a Promise that rejects if the active device code is valid but the user went to log in and denied the app access


should return a Promise that resolves to valid access token after polling a number of times if the user logs in


should return a Promise that rejects if the returned access token is invalid


should make a request to /user


should validate the station, and then make a PUT request to identity/stations


should fail if a non-numeric station ID is passed in


should reject the promise if station finder returns a 404


should validate the aggregation, and then make a POST request to identity/following


should throw a TypeError if a non-numeric aggregation ID is passed in


should validate the aggregation, and then make a POST request to identity/following


should throw a TypeError if a non-numeric aggregation ID is passed in


should make a request to NPR proxy when called


should make a request to NPR proxy when called using the correct query param character


should throw a TypeError


should throw a TypeError


should throw an exception if access token is not supplied


should make a request to /recommendations with channel npr if a bad channel is passed in


should make a request to /recommendations when no queued ratings exist


should return the currently executing promise if called again before first promise has resolved


should make a request to /recommendations with a custom channel when no queued ratings exist and a channel is specified


should include x- headers if supplied in config when making API requests


should make /recommendations request with sharedMediaId when a UID is given


should make a request to /ratings when a rating is queued


should make a request to /ratings and not send duplicate ratings if an action was record twice


should return the same recommendation when no START rating has been received


should return a different recommendation when a START rating has been received


should return a different recommendation when a TIMEOUT rating has been received


should return a different recommendation when a TAPTHRU rating has been received


should fire impression url GET requests for sponsorship when a START happens


should disable ads when an adblocker is present


should progress through the flow normally


should go to sponsored channel on TAPTHRU to sponsorship [tests related]


should go to action URL on TAPTHRU of promo [tests action, or callsToAction]


should throw when no API recommendations are returned and no previous exist


should call the refresh token endpoint in the auth proxy if the getRecommendations call returns a 401, and then retry the request


should NOT make a new API call if the UID is present in the cached list, and return that item


should make a new API call if the UID is not found in the list


should make a GET request when no flow recommendations are present


should NOT make a GET request when flow recommendations are present


should make a GET request with a custom channel when no flow recommendations are present and a channel is specified


should make a GET request to the default channel ("recommended") if no channel is specified


should make a GET request to the specified channel if a channel is specified


should make a GET request to the default channel ("recommended") if an invalid channel format is supplied


should flush any pending ratings before returning channel recommendations


should throw a TypeError if no channel is specified


should throw a TypeError if a channel is specified but is not a valid string


should throw a TypeError if no UID is specified


should throw a TypeError if a channel is specified but is not a valid string


should throw an Error if getRecommendationsFromChannel() was not previously called


should throw an Error


should throw an Error if the uid is not found in the list


should return the found recommendation if the UID is present in the cached list


should put the found recommendation at the top of the flow recommendations if the UID is present in the cached list


should make a request to /history when getHistory is called


should return a fulfilled promise


should reset internal variables to allow the flow to reset


should send the queued ratings first, then reset

unit/controller/listening.js -

should make a request to /stationfinder/stations and find two stations


should include the query string in the search if one is given


should throw an error when given an invalid query string


should return an empty array if no stations results were found


should make a request to /stationfinder/stations and find two stations


should throw an error when given an invalid values


should make a request to /stationfinder/stations and find two stations


should throw an error when given an invalid values


should make a request to /stationfinder/stations and find two stations


should throw an error when given an invalid values


should make a request to /stationfinder/stations and find two stations


should make a request to /stationfinder/stations and find the requested station


should make a request to /stationfinder/stations and return a promise that rejects if the requested station is a non-NPR One station


should throw an error when given an invalid values


should return an object with config related properties


should update specific config values when set


should setup defaults if they haven't been set yet


should log a warning when setting deprecated properties


should return the value of the accessToken string in the hidden config object


should throw a TypeError if the passed-in value is not a string


should set the internal access token to the supplied string


should call the registered callback if one is set


but only if the new token is different from the old


should throw a TypeError if the passed-in value is not a function


should return the Action class


should return the Logger class


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method with non-default param values


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method with non-default param values


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method with non-default param values


should call the correct service controller method with non-default param values


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method with non-default param values


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method with non-default param values


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method with non-default param values


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method


should call the correct service controller method


should return the correct API service url


should throw if an invalid service name is specified


should not set an expiry date if expires_in is NaN


should not throw an error on valid input


should not be expired for test data token


should be expired if the expires_in time is in the past


should match the "access_token" value from the API response


should convert the "expires_in" value from the API response (which is in seconds) to milliseconds


should match the "access_token" value from the API response


should exist


should exist


should exist


should exist


should exist


should exist


should exist


should exist


should exist


should exist


should include what is specified


should include what is specified


should be true for valid actions


should be false for invalid actions


should match the API response


should not set an expiry date if expires_in is NaN


should not throw an error on valid input


should not be expired for test data token


should be expired if the expires_in time is in the past


should match the "user_code" value from the API response


should match the "verification_uri" value from the API response


should convert the "expires_in" value from the API response (which is in seconds) to milliseconds


should convert the "interval" value from the API response (which is in seconds) to milliseconds


should match the API response


should hydrate the model


should match what is specified


should remove private member variables


should throw an error if audio doesn't exist


should throw an error if recommendations doesn't exist


should throw an error if attributes.rating doesn't exist


should match the API response


should match the API response


should match the API response


should match the API response


should match the API response


should match the API response


should match the API response


should match the API response


should return a ratings object


should match the API response


should match the API response


should only use urls that start with nprone://


should be true for an ad


should be false for non ads


should be true for recommendations with onramps


should be false for recommendations without onramps


should match the format specified


should only allow valid ratings


should require elapsed time to be an integer


should auto-correct bad elapsed time values


should auto-correct bad elapsed time values but only if duration is greater than 0


should warn developers when a zero elapsed time is given for a COMPLETED or SKIP


should warn developers when a non-START rating is received before START


should auto-correct bad elapsed time values if the difference is more than 30


should execute a GET request against all impression URLs


but only on the first START rating and not subsequent STARTs


should call the callback set via setRatingReceivedCallback


should be true when a recommendation actually has that rating


should be false when a recommendation does not have that rating


should be true when a recommendation has a finished rating


should exist and equal the value from the test data


should equal name from the test data


should equal rel="logo" brand link if it exists


should be null and NOT the rel="small-logo" brand link if equal rel="logo" brand link does not exist


should be null if none of the above exist


should exist on test data


should be an empty string if it does not exist


should exist on test data


should omit call if it does not exist on test data


should omit band if it does not exist on test data


should omit frequency if it does not exist on test data


should return null if all attempted data is missing


should exist on test data


should exist on test data


should be null if only non-rel="homepage" links exist


should be null if none of the above exist


should equal type 27 donation link if it exists


should equal type 4 donation link if type 27 donation does not exist


should be null if none of the above exist


should exist on test data


should exist on test data


should hydrate the model


should be true for a temporary user


should be false for a non-temporary user


should match the API response


should match the API response


should return an array even if the API data is undefined


should match the API response


should return an array even if the API data is undefined


should match the API response


should match the "id" value from the API response


should create an array of recommendations with valid input


should filter out recommendations which are not valid


should not throw an error on valid input


should throw an error on invalid input


should not throw an error on valid input


should throw an error on invalid input


should not throw an error on valid input


should throw an error on invalid input
