Organization Service V4

Organization Service

Project maintained by npr Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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A Station is a terrestrial broadcast station, broadcasting data over a radio frequency in a physical location. Stations are unique with respect to frequency and location; the AM station is considered distinct from the FM station, for example.

Services can be affiliated with zero or more Stations; this affiliation is represented in the Organization Serivce via the /v4/stations/<org ID> and /v4/legacy/organizations/<org ID> endpoints. Stations will always have one and only one Service affiliated with them; this affiliation represents the Service responsible for “serving” the content produced by this Station.

In the Organization Service, Station data is available via the /v4/stations/<org ID> and /v4/legacy/organizations/<org ID> endpoints.

Station Organization IDs

Stations are uniquely identified via an “organization ID” or “org ID”; this is NOT the same “org ID” that is associated with Organizations. However, this is the same org ID associated with this station’s representation as a Legacy Organization.

While many Stations are affiliated with Services that have service IDs of the form s<org ID>, this is NOT an assumption developers should rely on. Instead, to determine a Station’s affiliated Service, they should use the /v4/stations/<org ID> endpoint or the /v4/legacy/organizations/<org ID> endpoint.