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import Validator from './../util/validator';

 * A thin wrapper around the raw JSON returned from the authorization server to represent a device code/user code pair
export default class DeviceCode
     * @param {Object} json    The decoded JSON object that should be used as the basis for this model
    constructor(json) {
        this._raw = json;

        this._expiryDate = null;
        if (!isNaN(this._raw.expires_in)) {
            this._expiryDate = new Date(Date.now() + this.ttl);

     * Ensure that the given device code model is valid
     * @throws {TypeError} if device code model is invalid
    validate() {

     * Returns whether or not this device code/user code pair has expired.
     * Note that due to network latency, etc., it's possible that the internally-stored expiry date could be about a
     * second or so behind, and so this function is not guaranteed to be perfectly accurate.
     * @returns {boolean}
    isExpired() {
        return this._expiryDate !== null && (new Date()) >= this._expiryDate;

     * Returns the user code (8-character alphanumeric string)
     * @type {string}
    get userCode() {
        return this._raw.user_code;

     * Returns the verification URL (the place where the user should go on their mobile device or laptop to log in)
     * @type {string}
    get verificationUri() {
        return this._raw.verification_uri;

     * Returns the TTL (in milliseconds) until this device code/user code pair expires. The SDK will automatically generate
     * a new key pair upon expiry, so consumers of the SDK will generally not have to use this value directly; however,
     * you may opt to display on the screen how much time the user has left to log in before a new code is generated.
     * @type {number}
    get ttl() {
        return this._raw.expires_in * 1000;

     * Returns the interval (in milliseconds) at which the client (in this case the SDK) should poll the `POST /token`
     * endpoint (or the OAuth proxy that lies in between). Consumers of the SDK should generally not have to use this
     * value directly.
     * @type {number}
    get interval() {
        return this._raw.interval * 1000;

     * A convenience function to cast this object back to a string, generally only used by the {@link Logger} class.
     * In this case, we return the raw JSON string representing the entire object.
     * @returns {string}
    toString() {
        return JSON.stringify(this._raw);