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Working with Cards

EVERYTHING IS A CARD. What were once Story Collections are Cards. Cards like the ones used in Cardboad/Planner are Cards.

Creating a Card

There are five ways to create a Card:

  1. Home icon > New Card button in Quick Links
  2. Green plus sign button > New Card
  3. Press Shift+Alt+N on PC, Shift-Option-N on Mac
  4. Directly onto your team’s Cardboard: Go to the desired board, and click the + sign at the top of the desired column.
  5. In Search, type “new card" and choose Create a new Card

After you’ve created the Card:

  1. For a radio piece, type a slug in the first field. Alternately, a headline, or a title of an ongoing project. A Card can be used for many things.
  2. For a radio piece, type a DACS line in the second field, where it says "Click here to enter a description." You can use this field for other information, like a description of a project the Card is for, as well.
  3. Click the check mark on far right.

Note the Card ID in the upper-left corner of the Card, between the tab and the slug:

This is what in NewsFlex was called the Intake Number.

The sections of a card

Each Card has four panes: Presentations, Assets, Scratch Pad, and Metadata. We suggest sliding the pane headers into this order so that the Presentations pane comes first:

i.e. Presentations, Assets, Scratch Pad, Metadata


Setting Defaults

To set your Presentation defaults, click your name in the upper right, then choose User Settings from the dropdown menu. Scroll to Card Creation Actions. The Presentations you check here will be created automatically when you create a Card. You'll see other presentations if/as other teams add them.

The default for all users is Digital Story and Broadcast Story

Check or uncheck boxes that apply to you.

Newscast users

Please see the Newscast section for instructions.

Under Presentations, you'll see Broadcast Story and Digital Story:

To delete a Presentation, scroll to the bottom of it and click Delete Presentation in the lower left of the card:

Broadcast Story

There are 11 sections in the Broadcast Story tab. We’re going to focus on seven of them.

Observe the blue toolbar on the left.

We suggest dragging them into this order:

  • General

  • Users

  • Dates

  • Documents

  • Assets

  • Text Fields / DACS

  • Sources

The final toolbar will look like this:

Note: If Presentation Assets and Presentation Documents appear on an adjacent column to the right and you want all sections in one column, resize the browser by Ctrl - or Ctrl + (Cmd - or Cmd + on a Mac) until the adjacent column disappears.

General: Add budgeted story duration, and select Type (2-way. 3-way, Piece, Tape&Copy).

Users: Click the Add User button, then pick Name and Role. Click Save. The three-dot icon lets you remove or edit the user:

Dates: You can add Available, Embargo, Must Run, Planned and Publish.

Presentation Documents: Create a script, cover or other content. Work with them in StoryTeller, the new text editor/Google Docs dupe.

Presentations Assets: Add your assets here, then work with them in the Assets tab:

Text Fields: To add these, click the Add Field button. You can add DACS, Promos, Announcements and Teases.

Sources: Here, you can add sources already in Dex and/or create new sources, and add them to the Card.

Digital Story (DSP)

Please refer to the Digital Story Presentation section of the "Grove + Nexus" page on the Grove Support site.

Digital Listening (DLP)

Please refer to the Digital Listening Presentation section of the "Grove + Nexus" page on the Grove Support site.


As expected, your audio assets will appear here. They can either be saved from MTE, or directly into a Nexus card by either dragging and dropping the audio file(s) to the assets pane, or by clicking the upload button to bring up a Window to select files for upload.

You will see some folders: Audio, Mix and MTE Project.

A single click on any asset will open another column. This column will have an audio player, a download button, and a Generate Transcript button:

Right-click on any asset to see a menu with many, many options. (You can also single-click the three-dot icon to see the options.) Among them are Open in MTE, which does what you'd expect. Others relate to the management of the asset, like Remove Asset from Card and Delete Asset in Nexus. You can also Generate Transcript from here.

Card assets will now be moved to a long-term storage after the card has been archived for more than 30 days. Please refer to Archived Cards for more info.

Audio Export and Conversion

Audio files can be exported/converted individually or via the bulk export tool.

Exporting/Converting individual files

When you click on an audio file from the Assets pane, the following window will appear:

You can click DOWNLOAD to download a copy of the original file as it was uploaded to Nexus.

If you need to convert the file to a specific format, you can click the small down arrow to choose from a list of audio profiles to convert and export to:

Once the selected file has been converted, it will automatically download in your web browser.

Bulk Export/Conversion Tool

To export/convert multiple files at the same time, please do the following:

  • Highlight two or more audio assets, right-click one of the highlighted assets, and select Convert and Export Assets. You will then see the following window:

  • If you need to convert the audio before downloading, be sure the Convert Audio before exporting slider is active (pictured above).

  • Next, use the drop-down to select the audio profile you would like to convert to.

  • Confirm that the Notification Email field has the correct email address for the download link to be sent to.

  • Finally, click QUEUE EXPORT JOB. An email will be sent to the email specified in the Notification Email field. This email will have a web link to download a zip file containing all the files you exported. Click on the link to begin the download.

Should you have any issues using Nexus to convert and export audio, please refer to the following section of the workarounds page: 4.2 Converting Files

Zip File Extraction

Once you have downloaded the zip file it will need to be extracted before you can use the audio files inside.

To extract the audio files:

  1. Right-click on the zip file
  2. Click on Extract All
  3. A new window appears asking to select a location to unzip the files to. By default, a new folder will be created using the name of the zip file. You can edit this field after the last backslash (\) to rename the new folder if you choose to - this may be useful if you have zip files with similar names or to better organize your files.
  4. Click Extract

To select a different location to extract the audio files:

  1. Right-click on the zip file
  2. Click on Extract All
  3. Click Browse
  4. A new File Explorer window will pop up. Browse to the location you would like to extract the files to, and click Select Folder
  5. Click Extract

Moving assets from one card to another

Should you need to change the card an audio asset is currently associated with:

  • Set your workspace view to balanced or unbalanced left/right, as two panes need to be visible in a single Nexus Chrome tab: one to display cards and the other to display your assignments list
  • Open the card currently associated with the asset, and navigate to the assets pane
  • Click on the asset file you want to move, then click the ellipsis (...) to the right of that file
  • Select Remove Asset from Card
    • Note that this step will unassociate the asset from the card, and move the asset to the top of your assignments list
  • Open the card you want to move the asset to, and navigate to the asset pane
  • Drag & drop the asset from your assignments list to the destination card's assets pane

Preserving audio

Audio in a card is stored indefinitely. No action is required on your part to ensure audio is never deleted.

However, there are the two exceptions to this:

  • Raw Audio from the Ops, Mobile, and Intake bins are deleted after 30 days.
  • Raw Audio from the Newscast bin is deleted after 2 days.

When working with Raw Audio, best practice is to make your own edited copy of the audio in MTE, which will be stored in Nexus indefinitely.

To make your own copy of the audio:

  • Open the Nexus story card that the audio will be saved to
  • Open the Raw audio file in MTE
  • Top & tail it or section off the parts you need
  • Drag the trimmed file to the floppy disk icon, and select the appropriate Nexus card to save the audio to

Scratch Pad

What you put here will be visible from Cardboards when someone hovers over the Card:

Searching for Cards

You can find a card using the magnifying glass icon.

Type what you're searching for and press Enter. This searches existing cards. You can search for words. You can search for Card IDs. It helps to put terms in quotes (even Card IDs).

To find an archived or deleted card, try these methods:

Search on a term. Type what you want and choose the Search Archive for option, or use Alt-2 on a PC or Option-2 on a Mac. This works if you remember words in your card title and/or are just looking for one card:

You can also try searching the archives for your name — last, first, both together, in quotes, whatever works. This is very useful if you seek many missing cards:

Archived Cards

Cards get auto archived 90 days from creation unless:

  • The title or description was updated
  • Any of the dates are set to be in the future
  • The card is tagged as Obit (please do not use this option for cards that are not real obits)

Cards in rundowns:

  • In general, these archive after the show has aired

Archived cards are moved from your assignments list to your archive list, and do not appear in a standard card search. If a card appears to be missing from your assignments list, please check your archive list, or search the archive.

If the missing card appears in the search results list or your archive list, you can restore it from the archive by either:

  1. Clicking on the elipses (...) to the right of the card title, and selecting restore.


  1. Clicking on the title of the card to open it, then clicking restore on the bar directly above the Metadata tab.

For cards archived more than 30 days, Nexus will move the assets to a long-term file storage server. The assets can easily be restored, downloaded and opened in MTE after the card is restored/un-archived.

Archived cards will display the below message. To see when the card was archived, hover over the message. Cards can then be restored with the button to the right of the message.

After restoring, a message will display noting the assets are being brought back to Nexus. This will display for 30 minutes only to the user that restored the card.

We recommend you wait 10 minutes from the restoration of the card before downloading or opening the assets in MTE to allow the proper update in Nexus.

More Card actions

The three-dot icon in the upper right of the card reveals several actions. They include:

This does exactly that. Share the link in Slack or wherever.

Delete Card

This deletes the card and removes it from all associated boards. It will also not appear in searches. If you find your way back to a deleted card, you will see a Restore link in the red bar at the top.


To add the card to your Pinned List, choose this.

Tag for Obit

Found at the bottom of the menu:

Tag for Encore

Found at the bottom of the menu, just above "Tag for Obit".

Note that as of 9/18/23 there is an updated Encore Workflow, which can be found here.