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Working with Wires

Use the green-with-plus-sign button > Wires or Home > Wires. You may not have three blue buttons down the side under Main as shown below. That is fine.

Reading the wires

Click anything in the Wires tab to open the Wire Reader in the opposite pane (or in another tab, if your workspace is only one pane).

Use the curved arrow icon in the upper right of the Wire Reader to make a New Document from the text, or highlight some text and make a new document from that:

When something is new in the main stream or one of your saved searches, you'll see a red dot with a number:

Searching the wires

Use the main Nexus search. Type what you want. Put it in quotes if you need something very specific. ("Trump indictment" vs. trump indictment, for example.) Choose the Search Wires option:

Alternately, after you type, hit Alt-4 on a PC or Option-4 on a Mac, rather than clicking. The Wires pane will immediately update.

Custom searches

You may want to set up some custom searches. Go to the three-dot icon UNDER the green button — NOT the one to the left of it:

Choose Advanced Search:

You will see many options. In this example, URGENTS was chosen under Public Search (which fills in Name), and it was assigned the exclamation point icon.

The icon is chosen by YOU, the user:

If you don't assign an icon, it will default to the magnifying glass.

Make sure Updating is checked!

Once you click Run, the icon for the search you created will appear in the upper left of the Wires window. You can add as many searches as you want and give them all different icons.

Once you click an icon to open a custom search, you can edit it (Edit Current Stream) or get rid of it (Close Current Stream) with the same three-dot icon you used to create it:

Close Current Stream doesn't just CLOSE the search — it GETS RID OF IT. Use with caution.

Adding to Cards

You can add a wire story to a card — either the whole story or a selection — using the curve arrow icon in the upper right of the story:

You can choose New Document - Wire Text or New Document - Highlighted Wire Text.

Then choose the Card (you'll need to have it open in another tab) or start a new one: