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You have to start a transcript from a card.

To see all your transcripts, go to the green-box-with-plus icon and choose My Transcripts. You'll see something like this:


After you add your audio in the Assets pane, click the name of the file and you'll see this pop up beside it:

Fun fact: You can also upload videos and get transcripts!

Click Generate Transcript.

You can also right-click (or equivalent) on the filename and choose Generate Transcript from the menu that appears.

You will see this window, which should be familiar if you were a NewsFlex user:

This is pretty self-explanatory, so click Submit Job when you're done.

Wait for your email to appear. You can use the link in the email to open your transcript, or return to Nexus.


If you don't see the View Transcript button after you get the wendu email, go to the three-dot icon on the asset:

And choose Refresh Asset. Now it should show up.

You have a transcript! If you didn't use the wendu link to get to it, use the View Transcript button. You can also run it through again — that's the Re-generate Transcript button.

To share a direct link to your transcript, right-click on its tab and choose Copy Link to Item.


You have three buttons at the top left of your transcript pane:

The white document icon copies the whole transcript to the clipboard. The black document icon copies whatever you have selected to the clipboard. The floppy disk saves.

If you see a giant lump of text and would like it to be broken up, go up to Generate Splits and choose an interval:

30 seconds is the default; if you make the inverval smaller, the resulting text clumps will be shorter.

To add a time stamp, click a word and hit enter. You should see a dark line appear in the waveform below:

To edit text, double-click a word and you'll see a red outline around it:

Now you can type!

You can also right-click it and choose to Edit Word.

Toggle Capitalization will change the first letter of the word. Not all the letters.