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All Nexus searches start with the magnifying glass that's always in the upper right, between the Home button and your name.

When you type a word or phrase, you can press Enter to search existing cards:

For the other four options, you can use the arrow keys/mouse/trackpad to choose or use the Alt key combinations. On a Mac, use Option instead of Alt.

Finding Cards

To find a Card using its ID, type Card in the search field, then add the ID:

If you're searching on something other than ID …

Existing card(s)

Type what you’re searching for and press Enter.

If you want to find an exact phrase, like Emma Stone, put quotes around the terms. In this example, you will get Emma Stone-related content only.

To search for terms that aren't exact phrases, don't use quotes. Emma Stone without quotes will return stuff with Emma and Stone, but not always together. For example, you might get a script mentioning an Emma from Stone Mountain.

Archived card(s)

Type word(s) and choose the Search Archive option, or use Alt-2 on a PC or Option-2 on a Mac.

You can also try searching the archives for your name — last, first, both together, in quotes, not in quotes. This is very useful if you seek many missing cards.

Clicking the Archive icon in Assignments will unearth your archived cards.

Deleted card(s)

These won’t appear in search, but there is a Recycle Bin. Click the green-box-with-plus-sign, choose Browse then choose Recycle Bin.

Other actions

Type go or open for more exciting search actions:

Type new or create and you'll get these choices:

Other fun things to type include reset, which closes everything, and home, which returns you to the Home screen.

Type help to see everything search can do:


There is a vast array of search terms you can use manually. You can use Booleans operators and wildcards, so advanced searches are very powerful.

To use one, click the magnifying glass, type or paste in the term, and hit Enter to find current content. Choose Archives instead for archived stuff.

Help Alert!

Use the Nexus Search Builder to quickly and easily construct advanced searches like the ones below.

Here are examples that may be useful:

Everything you (or someone) created: creator.displayName:"Your Name"

Everything created by Holly OR Jerome: creator.displayName:"Holly Morris" OR creator.displayName:"Jerome Socolovsky"

Everything with Rachel Martin as host: roles.roleName:"Host" AND roles.userDisplayName:"Rachel Martin"

Everything someone with the first name Holly modified: modifier.displayName:"Holly*"

Everything flagged Publish Ready: flags:PresentationPublishReady

Everything with Chloe as the reporter and Jay as the desk editor: roles.roleName:"Reporter" AND roles.userDisplayName:"Chloe Veltman" AND roles.roleName:"Desk Editor" AND roles.userDisplayName:"Jennifer Vanasco"

Everything with "Emma" and "Stone" in the title that's a Card: title:"Emma" AND title:"Stone" AND type:"card"

For a date range, use publishDates: [2023-09-20 TO 2023-09-22]

This should work for other date fields. For example:

availableDates: [2023-09-20 TO 2023-09-22]

You can combine fields and dates with AND: AND publishDates: [2023-09-20 TO 2023-09-22]

If you're into this sort of thing, you can put any Card ID into this URL to see the full JSON of a Card (hence more search possibilities):